
play time with jack


I’m a 23 year old trying to find out who she is. I have struggle depression, anxiety and a little bit of PTSD. I live in Montreal, I have a dog, his name is Jack, he’s the love of my life. I’m interested in psychology so I’m planning on going back to school to get a second bachelor degree in Psychology then my PhD.  I’m trying to find a way to skip the bachelor degree and only take the courses required by the board of psychologist ( If you have a way let me know). This Blog is mostly for me to vent anonymously about my personal life but  I will also talk about mental illness , society, human’s behavior and give my opinion on current events.

***If you wish to contact me by email please do so at: greengrowsdark@gmail.com***

  1. Green, you recently stopped by my blog and “liked” one of my posts. I truly appreciate the time you spent with me. Just reading this note about you, makes you a pesron I do wish to know. As we have both found out in our own ways, depression knows no age limit. I hope that in the future I write things that you find interesting and that put a smile on your face, at least for that moment. Please take care, and be safe. Bill

  2. thanks for the follow =) you have a wonderful blog good luck with it! i look forward to reading more!

  3. “I have a dog, his name is Jack, he’s the love of my life. ” – Perfect! ❤ This warmed my heart. Dogs are blessings.

    Thanks for the following. Looking forward to reading more.

  4. Thank you for your follow! I have a post on Depression I have been working on and also deal with PTSD. I will enjoy reading your writings.

  5. Hi, I am a newer follower but love your writing and honesty. I nominated you for an award. check out my post. http://beerhugsandicecream.wordpress.com/2013/11/14/whoa-i-got-an-award-yay/

  6. Like you my dog is my joy. Always there though the sad times and the good. I am currently working my graduate degree in counseling. It is very rewarding. I hope you go that direction.

  7. tee hee…. I like your quote about the brain. my kind of thinking.

  8. First of all I wanted to thank you for checking out and following my page. After reading a few of your posts I believe we must have a friend in common. Any friend of Aimee’s is a friend of mine. So, welcome to my “cyber family” and I will be following you as well.

  9. Sorry you too live with PTSD. It’s such a battle. Thank you so much for following me on my blog 🙂

  10. I like you. You have a wonderfully beautiful heart. It’s a shame you live in Canada because I need more friends like you in real life. But I guess since we don’t live in the Matrix (or do we?) we can be cyber pals. Love your writing and as I said in the beginning.. love your heart. 🙂

  11. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can see and accept this nomination at: http://joynpain2.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/versatility/

  12. Green,

    Love the name of your blog..curious of its meaning..elaborate please..

    All about Emotional Intelligence..the mind …we can change things once we put it in our minds…
    Keep expressing
    Be Loved.

    • I created the blog while I was watching a documentaries, I just finished watching one about the being vegan and the next one I was going too watch was about the danger of being vegan… It reminded me of the dichotomies of life. How people don’t have to choose between too opposite labels. Vegetarians vs omnivores, Capitalism vs Socialism, Science Vs Art etc.. I’m a little bit of both … So green (which is suppose to be good) can grow to be dark… I don’t know if you understand… Lol.. i love word plays

  13. Thank you for the follow, you have a great blog here, and I love Jack!

  14. thanks for following me yesterday 😉 I’m new to this whole blogging scene, so i’m still figuring out what’s what. I like that you are ‘venting anonymously’. that’s pretty much my approach. Share my story anonymously. But i get the struggles with depression and PTSD. And you’re dog is adorable. Looking forward to seeing more!

  15. I probably don’t say it as often as I should but your blog is very special to me and I’ve nominated you for 3 awards. Yes. Three. http://wp.me/sQUCq-rewarded . Much love!

  16. If you ever want to contact me. Please do. Support is always good.

  17. I look forward to hearing from you, I wish you well. Thank you for checking out my blog, I hope that I write somethings that bring a smile to your face.


  18. greengrowsdark – you came to my blog posts on brain function and i saw you. some words from personal experience; this is not a lecture, but a reflection that i am willing to share from a long painful journey. there is always light available to you, even if you can’t see it, feel it, or believe in it. you are not the drama that happens in your world. depression is not who you are, but simply what you are experiencing. sometimes your brain chemistry is screwed up and that does not mean there is anything wrong with YOU. i’ve gone from suicidal attempts to seeing light and beauty in my world again, and i can tell you it is possible even when everything you are can’t believe it. be stubborn. reach out. reach in. lay on the ground and soak up the earth’s healing love. i mean that! i see you followed my blog. there will be more on brain health and how it relates to depression. i hope you show up 🙂

  19. I will be back, I am very glad that you are doing better.


  20. Hi I’m pretty new to this but thanks for the like and follow meant alot that someone took time to read it 🙂

  21. Congratulations! I’ve just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. This award is given to those who show a love of Blogging in their work, and I think you do that. It’s up to you if you want to accept this award or not, but I hope you’ll at least go to my post here: http://gardeningingreenwood.wordpress.com/2014/01/08/the-versatile-blogger-award/ and read it to see what the award is all about and make your decision. In any event, Thank You for a wonderful blog and I wish you all the best in the future.
    Gardening in Greenwood
    Naked Nerves

  22. Thanks for checking out my blog:) I really do like writing and it’s encouraging to know that you read it. Otherwise I would just keep it in my head, and it’s already really crowded! LOL
    I plan to come back and spend more time with you, meanwhile, have a great day!

  23. Thank you for following me! I really appreciate it. I have just read small parts of your blog but you are an excellent writer. I know that you are going through a lot and you have my (virtual) support. You also have an adorable dog : )

  1. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Nominee | Work in Progress...

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